Night Squeaker

Yokai Apparitions

Night Squeakers are neutral apparitions that hunt the streets of the Entertainment District at night. You will often hear their high pitched squeaks in the night, coming from dark alleys where no one roams. They usually keep their distance from grifix, but they tend to show up anywhere where there are yokai gatherings, so if there's something that attracts yokai in one place they will show up as well. 

They are bigger than a grifix, tho not much. They can be up to 2 meters long and they move by floating.

They are attracted by moving lights in the dark, so if a grifix travels with a lantern they will follow from a safe distance, giving the feeling that the grifix is being followed.


They appared from the general memory of Dirt Squeakers, which, over time, turned into Night Squeakers.

Associated Fauna