Naisuke Ga Fuchi

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

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Headmaster: Tomoe
The house is ran by Tomoe, a young male grifix. He is known as one of the richest and also brokest grifix in the Entertainment District. He seems to have an endless spring of money, yet he is always broke. He is the one who founded the house, in an old entertainment house building that was crumbling to dust after it was abandoned. The building is in barely better shape now.
The house seems to be full of children dressed up as koi fish, the costumes completely concealing their identity. They run around serving guests and cleaning up, but actual entertainers are very few. Even amongst the few adults in the house, a big number of them are merely servants, dressed as koi like the many kids helping around.
It's a great place to go and have a drink and eat some snacks, but that's not what people come for in the Entertainment District, so the income of the house is quite low.
In the entertainment guild, if an entertainer has a child, that child will have to work their entire lives for the guild they were born in, with little chance of getting out. If the mother has the smallest opportunity to sell their child, they will, because it is a chance for the child to escape that place. But unfortunately the house mothers will ask for great amounts of money for this, and in most cases the child will only be bought by some other entertainment house, which could lead them to an even worse faith.
Entertainers can be purchased later in their lives, but depending on their age the prices can be very high, because the house mother spends a long time training them.
Tomoe’s entire savings go into trying to “purchase” as many entertainers as possibly. He gives his best to buy children who never worked, because that way, they may actually have a chance outside the entertainment district. If a grifix is known to have been an entertainer, it is impossible for them to be accepted outside, but if he manages to raise them in anonymity he can use his connections to give them a life outside the entertainment district. He hopes that this way they can have a chance at a more happy, meaningful life.
He also purchases entertainers that are already entertainment workers. Even if they can’t find a life outside, if they are miserable in their house he will try to buy them so they can have an easier life in his house. He doesn’t force any to do the entertainment work, but most have to help around and clean, with their identities concealed.
Some still do the entertainment work, either because it’s not something they dislike, or because they want to help him with his work, and it’s the only way for him to gain money and buy more entertainers.
Children and grifix that do not work as entertainers in the house wear a koi costume that completely covers their face and any features people could recognize them by. These grifix are called Koi-Kodomo. Here's how the outfit looks:

The outfit is usually dark blue/black for male adults, red for female adults, and children can have it in any color. But this is not enforced, every grifix can wear whatver color then want.

This outfit is mandatory for Naisuke Ga Fuchi grifix under 16 or those that do not perform entertainment work, so you must include a version of your grifix wearing in the reference if the grifix fits in that category. There is one base available for this outfit which you can use.
Tomoe was one of the first, maybe the first entertainer raised and trained by Lady Byakko when she started her house (or started being the house mother). Back then she was more involved with her house, because she was just starting and had to get it working. Because of that, Tomoe knows more about her appearance and stuff than most entertainers in her own house. Even now, they are quite close, and Tomoe often seeks her for help. It takes a lot out of him, but he usually manages to persuade her to give him money every time he decides to purchase an entertainer and doesn’t have money for it. Time is important for this, so he can’t just wait, plus he would never get enough money to help all the grifix he wants to, so he persuades her for it, sometimes promising to give it back but never doing so.
That’s where he gets his money from, and it's also the cause for the rumors that he is so rich, when he’s in fact broke all the time, because his house is one of the poorest out there and business is a mess with how few actual entertainers he has and how many members he has to feed. Nobody knows of this though.
Associated Faction
Associated Fauna