Naisuke Ga Fuchi
Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild
Can be joined by characters.

Koinobori Costume - for koi-kodomo
✦ OPEN ✦
you may create characters part of this faction freely
✦THE House Mother✦
✦Currently Tomoe
They're the leader and owner of the house, as well as the owner of every grifix part of the house.
The house is ran by Tomoe, a young male grifix. He is known as one of the richest and also brokest grifix in the Entertainment District. He seems to have an endless spring of money, yet he is always broke.
The entertainers love him though they worry about his well being cause his lifestyle is quite messed up and he focuses too much on helping others so that he forgets to take care of himself.
✦The grifi that work as entertainers. They don't do anything special from what entertainers do in other houses. While members of this house aren't forced to work as entertainers like in other houses, these still do, either because it’s not something they dislike, or because they want to help Tomoe with his work, and it’s the only way for him to gain money and buy more entertainers.
✦Children and grifix that do not work as entertainers in the house wear a koi costume that completely covers their face and any features people could recognize them by. Here's how the outfit looks:
The outfit is usually dark blue/black for male adults, red for female adults, and children can have it in any color. But this is not enforced, every grifix can wear whatver color then want.
This outfit is mandatory for Koi-Kodomo, so you must include a version of your grifix wearing in the reference if the grifix fits in that category. There is one base available for this outfit which you can use.
Faction Ranks
The House Mother: They're the leader and owner of the house, as well as the owner of every grifix part of the house.
Entertainers: They don't do anything special from what entertainers do in other houses.
EMP-359: Arson Rose (Rose)