Kage no Neko-ya

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

A cat cafe with a rather strange feeling...

Kage no Neko-ya is a Cat Cafe, being set in a small building, painted red, with dark wooden beams and paper screens, set in a quiet alleyway.

The entranceway is flanked by weathered stone steps, leading to a portal framed by an ornate archway.

Inside, the dimly lit space features low tables with cushions on tatami mats, atop rugged stone flooring. Soft light spills from hanging lanterns, casting a faint glow on the ink paintings of cats and caligraphy showcased on the walls. The air is still and quiet, with the occasional creak of the worn wooden beams adding an eerie undertone.

Amidst the serene appearance, the cats move strangely, their eyes glowing faintly in the low light, and their behavior slightly out of the ordinary. Some seem to stare into space or exhibit unusual movements, adding to the peculiar ambiance. Their movements seem oddly calculated, blending seamlessly with the enigmatic ambiance of this unconventional establishment. Overall, there's an inexplicable feeling of unease, as if something is not quite right within this otherwise tranquil cat cafe.


As a visitor in this enigmatic cafe, one would find themselves drawn to the strange cats roaming the place. Engaging with them, one might feel a subtle strangeness, an indefinable quality that sets them apart from what one might think of.

As you sit, enjoying tea with a 'cat' perched contentedly on my lap, you'd pet its fur, noticing an uncanny smoothness and an odd warmth that's different from what you'd expect. Their behavior might have a peculiar precision, almost as if they're performing what being a cat is like. Still, any unusual qualities simply register as unique traits of these unfamiliar creatures rather than deviations from the norm.

Throughout your visit, a lingering feeling of curiosity might persist, a nagging sense that something about these creatures doesn't quite align with your imagine of actual cats. But the charm and the odd familiarity they evoke would likely outweigh any doubts, allowing you to immerse yourself in the whimsical experience of enjoying tea and playtime with these mystical feline entities.

One's lack of prior experience with real cats would prevent one from questioning the authenticity of these beings. Instead, one would wholeheartedly accept them as the embodiment of what they've only heard and imagined cats to be—cherishing the joy they bring and savoring the enchantment of this remarkable encounter.

The workers in this place are sweet entertainers, with personalities much more genuine than in other entertainment houses. Grifix come to this place not for their companionship, but for the "cats", so they aren't so much forced to put on an act, as they would be in other houses from the Entertainment District.
These entertainers embody a genuine affection and care for the cats, treating them as any animal lover would treat a beloved pet.

Their interactions are filled with warmth and compassion, as they attend to the needs of these enigmatic creatures, believing wholeheartedly in their feline nature. They might discuss the cats' personalities, quirks, and preferences with the visitors, sharing anecdotes and stories about their daily experiences with the cats, bonding with the customers and helping the buisness in this way.

The entertainers exude a sense of dedication to their role, ensuring the cats are well cared for and the visitors have an enchanting experience. Their attire reflects a casual yet welcoming style, fostering a sense of approachability and ease among the guests.

While they're genuinely nurturing and attentive to the needs of these mysterious beings, their unawareness of the truth lends an authenticity to their interactions, deepening the veil of illusion that envelops the cafe.

Most of the workers in the cafe do not have cat sphirix, or they think they do, but the sphirix is in fact a not-cat, like the "cats" in the cafe. Those that have actual cat sphirix find the "cats" in the cafe very uncany and strange. So very few such grifix work there.

Note: the text on this page has been mostly AI generated, as well as the designs of the "cats" are based on AI generated depictions of cats. This has been done in order to deepen the unnatural feeling of this place, and enhance the immersion of the reader.
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