Kage no Neko-ya

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

Kage no Neko-ya


house's aesthetic is centered around Japan

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, MysteriousShine

✦THE house mother✦

The Mother of the house embodies an air of enigmatic wisdom, carrying herself with a graceful poise that hints at a depth of experiences and hidden knowledge. Her presence would command respect and admiration among both the workers and the visitors to the cafe.

She dresses in attire that stands out subtly, adorned in flowing garments of exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance. Her clothing, while mirroring the workers' style, might bear additional ornate details and embroidery that speak of her role as the keeper of secrets.

Her demeanor exudes warmth and kindness, but beneath that gentle exterior lies a depth of mysteries and untold stories. She possesses an uncanny ability to guide conversations and interactions, subtly nudging them toward deeper truths without revealing too much.

There is an air of melancholy or wistfulness about her, hinting at experiences beyond the cafe's facade. Her eyes, filled with a mix of kindness and a hint of sadness, held secrets of encounters with real cats from a distant past—a past she keeps guarded, perhaps even from herself.

She is be the guardian of the illusion, the keeper of the cafe's enchantment, and the one who understands the true nature of the mysterious beings within the establishment. Yet, she chooses to uphold the illusion, preserving the magic for those who step into her realm of wonder and fascination.

While she presents an outward appearance of nurturing care and warmth towards these creatures, inwardly, she harbors a mix of emotions. She keeps her distance from the cats, but nobody is able to comprehend why. Despite her genuine affection for them, there's an underlying discomfort, a haunting reminder of what these creatures mimic but ultimately lack—the true essence of real cats.

Her care for these beings stems from a sense of responsibility, not just as the owner of the cafe, but as someone who feels a need to protect these creations born from collective imagination. She ensures they are well-cared for, loved, and treated with kindness, even though their existence might stir up conflicting emotions within her.



The workers in this place are sweet entertainers, with personalities much more genuine than in other entertainment houses. Grifix come to this place not for their companionship, but for the "cats", so they aren't so much forced to put on an act, as they would be in other houses from the Entertainment District.
These entertainers embody a genuine affection and care for the cats, treating them as any animal lover would treat a beloved pet.

Their interactions are filled with warmth and compassion, as they attend to the needs of these enigmatic creatures, believing wholeheartedly in their feline nature. They might discuss the cats' personalities, quirks, and preferences with the visitors, sharing anecdotes and stories about their daily experiences with the cats, bonding with the customers and helping the buisness in this way.

The entertainers exude a sense of dedication to their role, ensuring the cats are well cared for and the visitors have an enchanting experience. Their attire reflects a casual yet welcoming style, fostering a sense of approachability and ease among the guests.

While they're genuinely nurturing and attentive to the needs of these mysterious beings, their unawareness of the truth lends an authenticity to their interactions, deepening the veil of illusion that envelops the cafe.


Most of the workers in the cafe do not have cat sphirix, or they think they do, but the sphirix is in fact a not-cat, like the "cats" in the cafe. Those that have actual cat sphirix find the "cats" in the cafe very uncany and strange. So very few such grifix work there.


Note: the text on this page has been mostly AI generated, as well as the designs of the "cats" are based on AI generated depictions of cats. This has been done in order to deepen the unnatural feeling of this place, and enhance the immersion of the reader.
Faction Ranks


The House Mother: She holds many secrets and knowledge about the 'cats"

Member Ranks

Entertainers: Sweet grifix that will tend to the cats and the customers (0 Standing)

Members: 0 ・ See All

Associated Fauna