Trinisette Bouquet

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

Headmaster — Byakuran
Members— Leonotis, other


An entertainer house which is located at some Alley. All members have a flower related name, hence the bouquet name. Having a small amount of performers, not much customers have heard about this house. Considering how small the house it is, it's surprising to see it still running and entertaining returning customers. When you enter the shop, you will be welcomed with a dim environment, along with lingering flower scent. Lead by the sounds of bells jingling, customers will be lead to a huge room where the real deal is. The entrance door is semi-decorated with rare plants which fits the name (the headmaster claims that they are all edible somehow), but the only known way to acquire these plants are through the herbalists guild.

Headmaster, more known as "Gardener", will occasionally be someone who says stories for entertainment. Herbal tea ( if requested, special Flower wine)with relaxing effects, soft spoken and understanding performers, suitable (controlled) ambience, Trinisette Bouquet becomes a place where beings reveal hideous secrets. But be warned, if performers get hurt,wrath of the gardener they shall face.

Customers with money can't meet the performers without the hidden passwords that are hinted during the headmaster's storytelling time. Usually the password is "Hanawaku" (花惑) , as in "Flower Seduce". Of course, anyone who have been to the street more or less have heard about the dark secrets it holds, thus knowing the meaning behind the password. So within the private circle of the house's performers they have a mocking nickname for the patrons, "Fool", since they (at some point) willingly spill secrets to them.

House regulated by @Emizu_TH