Trinisette Bouquet

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

trinisette bouquet house



house's aesthetic is centered around west asia

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, Emizu_TH 

✦THE gardner✦

Currently Byakuran

They're the leader and owner of the house, as well as the owner of every grifix part of the house.

The House Mother, more known as "Gardener", will occasionally be someone who says stories for entertainment. Herbal tea (if requested, special Flower wine) with relaxing effects, soft spoken and understanding performers, suitable (controlled) ambience, Trinisette Bouquet becomes a place where beings reveal hideous secrets. But be warned, if performers get hurt,wrath of the gardener they shall face.



The grifix part of the house. They are mostly beautiful females, but there can be males as well. They must entertain their customers through various ways, like dancing, singing, playing instruments or performind various arts. If one is appreciated enough, the customer can request a meeting with the entertainer, alone., if the entertainer approves. The meetings are expensive, and the main source of income for the house. They are also where lots of secrets get revealed, as few can keep their mouth shut in the front of beauty.

New entertainers often do not take part in such meetings, or don't even get to perform at all. At the beggining they just help around the house and welcome customers. It takes a few years for an entertainer to be fully trained.

Faction Ranks


The Gardner: Known as well as the House Mother, they are the owner of the house and the entertainers

EMP-246: Byakuran

Member Ranks

Entertainers: The grifix part of the house (0 Standing)

Members: 3 ・ See All