Fafnir's Treasure

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

fafnir's treasure


dragon masks

sphirix must be a dragon

members must not have the "sphirix tail" trait

house's aesthetic is centered around east asia

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, Dawn-n-Night

✦THE house mother✦

Currently Lady Byakko

They're the leader and owner of the house, as well as the owner of every grifix part of the house.

The House is ruled by the strict housemaster, Lady Byakko. Not much is known about her for she rules from the shadows, and rarely shows up for any event occurring in the House. However she is aware of everything happening in her guild, for she has eyes and ears everywhere. 



They wear elaborate sets of clothing themed after east asia, and are mostly made up of females grifix, however there are a few males if patrons have different tastes. Entertainers require a dragon themed stagename, mask and sphirix, otherwise they will not be permitted to join. It takes a couple of years for entertainers to be trained for work, they start at the bottom as a greeter or a cleaner/food and drink provider, but as they climb the ranks they get more privileged positions and a higher pay. Members of higher status get to entertain patrons by dancing, singing, playing instruments or perform various other arts. Patrons can request special meetings with one of these members alone, where most secrets get revealed and valuables stolen, for few can keep their mouth shut in the face of beauty. However these meetings are expensive, but not the main source of income for the House.

Faction Ranks


The House Mother: The strict housemaster

Member Ranks

Entertainers: Grifix part of house (0 Standing)

Members: 9 ・ See All