The Swan Palace

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

the swan palace


The guild’s aesthetic is based on medieval Russian nobility.

The entertainers always have their eyes covered, ofen by a piece of lace.

Entertaainers must wear ice skates in their reference.

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, CrystalIzzy77

✦THE house mother✦

An old, experienced entertainer that spends most time training the entertainers. She’s very harsh on them.


Gathers stories for the performances, often from the popular stories amongst the grifix and writes the steps for performances, planning everything about how that story would play out on ice.


Figure skating performers. Most of them act as background dancers for the most popular entertainers. They are all allowed to prepare single performances but when a less known entertainer does a performance they are usually given no background dancers, and few grifix come to see them. Still, that’s where all of them start from.
Popular entertainers have grand performances with many background dancers, long and complicated storytelling and big audiences.
During storytelling performances, their outfits are specially tailored to fit their roles in the performance. Due to the complexity of the performance, an entertainer will usually perform the same role throughout a couple years, because it’s hard for them to learn a new role, and consumes are too expensive to change often.
Costumes and the skates are purchased from the Tailors guild.

✦ice breakers✦

A small group of grifix that take care of the ice and make sure it is in good condition for the performances. They sometimes have to bring water into the cave which they would throw over the ice when it becomes to scratched to clean.
They sometimes pay the hunters guild to bring them blocks of ice from outside the Empire which they use for ice sculpting. Ice sculptures are placed throughout the cave, and they often match the story of the current performance show. Sometimes, ice sculptures even play roles in the performances. It is often in those stories that a character becomes frozen and is replaced by a sculpture. But rarely do those stories have a happy ending, for in that cave, what is frozen often remains so, even in the stories…
Faction Ranks


The House Mother: An old, experienced entertainer that spends most time training the entertainers. She’s very harsh on them.
Storywriter: Gathers stories for the performances, often from the popular stories amongst the grifix and writes the steps for performances, planning everything about how that story would play out on ice.
Ice Breakers: A small group of grifix that take care of the ice and make sure it is in good condition for the performances.

Member Ranks

Performers: Figure skating performers (0 Standing)

Members: 3 ・ See All

Associated Faction