The House of Vanity

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

house of vanity


Angel Mask for any of the angel ranks

Fallen Angel Mask for fallen angels

Angel's Wear for any of the angel ranks (the outfit here is just a suggestion)

Fallen Angel's Burden for fallen angels (the outfit here is just a suggestion)

Winged or feathered sphirix

Please check the ranks descriptions for more information, they each have certain requirements

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, Dawn-n-Night

✦ Outfits, Traits and sphirix restrictions

House members are expected to wear gowns that are flowy, similar to wedding dresses, and a mask that covers the upper half of their face and adorns eyes. The masks are decorated with feathers, wings, horns or rings, and always have eyes on them. Feathers and false wings are also accepted on outfits, as well as gold or silver jewellery. Higher ranking members will sometimes wear veils. 
Angel's Wear is the default outfit for angel ranks. It is NOT a uniform, it was only made to make it easier for people who have a hard time drawing outfits. You can design your own outfits for your characters if you want. This one, however, has some bases as well so if you have a hard time drawing outfit you can use the base ones:


All angel ranks are required to wear a mask with wings and eyes:
You may download this image to use in references, or draw your own mask: House of Vanity default mask

Fallen Angels have a similar wear as the as normal angels, but with darker colours (and sometimes vibrant reds). They can also have more provocative clothes and males would sometimes wear suits. Their masks have no eyes, and the wings are often webbed wings instead of feathered wings, and they also often have horns on their masks.

Fallen Angel's Burden is the default outfit for fallen angels. It is NOT a uniform, it was only made to make it easier for people who have a hard time drawing outfits. You can design your own outfits for your characters if you want. This one, however, has some bases as well so if you have a hard time drawing outfit you can use the base ones:



All fallen angels are required to wear a mask with wings but no eyes, that has a silver part restraining the magic flow of the forehead gem:


You may download this image to use in references, or draw your own mask: Fallen Angel default mask

Sphirix must be feathered or winged creatures.  

Forehead Magic Gems with orb magic flow are required for most ranks, the orb determining the rank:  

✦ Seraphims: Stellated Icosahedron

✦ Cherubim: Stellated Dodecahedron

✦ Thrones: Stellated Octahedron

✦ Dominions: Icosahedron

✦ Virtues: Dodecahedron

✦ Powers: Octahedron

✦ Principalities: Hexahedron

✦ Archangels: Tetrahedron

✦ Angels: Sphere/none

✦ Fallen Angels: any, but they must wear a magic restraining headpiece made of silver which stops their magic flow.  

✦ Regarding archimedean solids orb shapes: All the platonic solids and stellated platonic solids shapes are considered "perfect" because all of their sides are of the same shape. However the archimedean solids each have two shapes on their sides, which makes them "imperfect". 
While the "perfect" shapes are considered to be a beautiful sight, the "imperfect" ones are considered offensive to the eyes of the angels (yokai) and because of that grifix with such shapes should not be allowed to show them. Because of this, all the members of HoV that have Archimedean solids orbs are ranked as "Fallen Angels" and they must hide their orbs at all times so they do not offend the divine eyes of the Angel Yokai.



On top of the house's hierarchy, there are the Seraphims, grifix with Stellated Icosahedron magic orbs. Currently there are 3 of them, but at one point there had been up to 7. They all count as the house's "Mother" and together they represent the "Mother". They take all decisions regarding the house together, which often leads to conflicts between them, as there is no one grifix to hold all authority. Unlike other House "Mothers", they are completely uninvolved in the house's life. They simply make decisions and represent the house in Guild Meetings. They are also the ones to turn members of the guild into Fallen Angels.



There is only one Cherub, known as the Opera Mother. She has the Stellated Dodecahedron orb. She is the true "mother" of the entertainers, taking care of them, raising them and doing everything a house mother has to do for her entertiners.



There is only one Throne, known as the Fallen Mother. She has the Stellated Octahedron orb. She is the "mother" of the fallen angels. She takes care of them and "harvests" secrets. She is the one that gathers all the profits off of the fallen angels' dirty work.

The Higher Choir


Few grifix that have Icosahedron orbs. They write and decide on which opera will be played. In most cases they don't actually write new plays, but they just assign roles and decide who's gonna do what during the performance, so that it turns out as well as possible.


The lead actors of the play. They have Dodecahedron orbs. They never take background roles, but they're the only ones allowed to play "characters". They are also the only ones allowed to sing. They are the true stars of the show, and therefore they get pretty stuck up.


Grifix in charge of mantaining the order in the house. They have Octahedron orbs. They can kick out any guests if they are misbehaving but they also keep lower performers in check. Those in the lower choir are not allowed to stand out or act as individuals to guests. That is reserved to those on stage or those who have fallen. 


The Lower Choir


Grifix that have Hexahedron orbs. They appear on stage behind the Virtues as background dancers and crowds. They never play individual characters. They often dance together on stage between Opera plays.



The grifix in charge of the instrumental music. They have Tetrahedron orbs.



The lowest rank, these are usually cleaning the Opera house or serving guests food and drinks. They have Sphere orbs. Grifix without orbs are also allowed in this rank, but they must work very hard to prove themselves as having them there is considered a misfit and most other angels will look down on them.


✦Fallen Angels✦

Grifix who have misbehaved or brought shame to the house. They are not allowed to show up during performances, but are often let out after the official ending of a performance, once most guests have left. Those that are still there are waiting for something else, and that is what the fallen angels must take care of. Whatever desires those guests have, they must take care of them. At this point, all other angels have left. There are no Powers around to keep the customers in check. 

  They all must wear silver head pieces around their head gems to hide their magic flow. Nobody can know who they once were.

Faction Ranks


Seraphim: They all count as the house's "Mother" and together they represent the "Mother".
Cherub: She is the true "mother" of the entertainers, taking care of them, raising them and doing everything a house mother has to do for her entertiners.
Throne: She is the "mother" of the fallen angels.
Dominion: They write and decide on which opera will be played.

EMP-411: Holy Aura

Virtue: The lead actors of the play.

EMP-448: Angelic Light

Power: Grifix in charge of mantaining the order in the house.
Principality: They appear on stage behind the Virtues as background dancers and crowds.
Archangel: The grifix in charge of the instrumental music.
Fallen Angel: Grifix who have misbehaved or brought shame to the house.

Member Ranks

Angel: They are usually cleaning the Opera house or serving guests food and drinks. (0 Standing)

Members: 4 ・ See All