Watasumi House

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

Patron goddess: Watatsumi
Founder: Kai
House Mother: Cordelia


The entertainers of the Watatsumi House dance in water, using the movement of water and reflection of lights to create mesmerizing effects.

Outfits and sphirix restrictions

The entertainer’s sphirix must be sea animal related or animals that live in water.
The entertainers wear clothes which resemble long fish fins and tails, usually made of silk. They can also have veils which flow beautifully in the water.


House Mother
She decides on the schedule, which stories and dances will be performed and by who. She is the one who raises entertainers from a young age and decides wether she allows or no outside entertainers to join. It is very hard to get into this guild if you haven’t been raised in it.
Lead Dancer
Currently Mystic Waters. She is the most experienced dancer in the House.
The grifix in this house often have looks that remind one of the exotic pictures in the ancient books from before the Great Cataclysm… One has never seen the sea, yet images of it will flood their mind when witnessing the dance of the entertainers, their sea creatures features, having fish tails or fins, the colors of sand and water, or even manes like tentacles or jellyfish like manes. Their clothes also contribute to this impression, the entertainers wearing silk outfits that can withstand the water, and resemble fish fins or corals. 
The entertainers can hold their breath underwater for a long period of time, being trained since a young age to do so. 
They usually start off as synchronized dancers, dancing together with other entertainers, but if their performance is outstanding they can be allowed to dance alone. Still, most of them alternate between synchronized dancing and solo performing, depending on the requirements of the performance, and what the House Mother asks of them.
Some performances require flying out of the water and using the droplets to create special effects, reflect light, or even use their magic to control the water splashes. It takes great skill, so usually only the more experienced performers get these parts of the performance. Still, all of them are trained to have a basic knowledge of doing so.
Children raised in the guild aren't allowed in performances because they are not yet skilled enough, but they sometimes stay outside the tank and control fish puppets suspended into the tank. These are rarely used in performances that require grifix to jump out of the tank, because they can get tangled in them, and they're usually close to the surface for the same reason.


On the Main Street of the Entertainment Guild, next to the Moonshadow Crane House there is a simple entrance to a House, looking just like the rest on that street. But also similarly to the rest of the Houses on that street… once you enter you will be met with a very different sight. The inner yard of the house is covered in a water pool, paths being built on top, which you can walk onto. You will often see a few individual dancers moving smoothly and alluring through the water, sometimes splashing you to tease you. The path on top of the water will lead you to the main building of the House, which is quite big compared to the other buildings that surround the square yard, which are at most two stories high. The main building is, however, much taller, because of what it hides inside…
As you walk in you are met with a tall wall of water, where grifix swim, moving swiftly, turning and swirling in the water, as if they were made of water themselves… you watch mesmerized, in a daze from the movements and lights, when one dancer seems to be swimming closer to you. In the daze, you step forward, until you are just one step away from the glass surface that’s separating you two. But the dancer is still getting closer, and then their head emerges from the water, almost touching your forehead, their breath blowing through your mane. Then they pull back in the water and continue their performance.
Wait what? You only now seem to realize there is no glass wall holing the water there. The water wall seems to be held together by… nothing? Hold on, that can’t be right! Is it… magic perhaps? You seem to remember a rumor you once heard, but haven’t payed much attention to: it is said that the Watasumi house owns an ancient artifact which can control water. Is that really what that is? Guess you’ll never know, after all… entertainment houses are best at one thing, and that is keeping secrets…


Kai was a scholar who studied old books from the south of Equestria. He was mesmerized by the beauty of the sea from the pictures in the books, by the sea creatures, conches and sand. He wished above everything to travel to the Great Southern Library and witness the beauty with his own eyes, so he worked really hard to be chosen for the expedition team. While part of it, he traveled to the Kirinaria Mercenary Group many times, but no expedition was sent to the Great Southern Library, so he never got to see the beauty of the Sea. As he got older, he decided to take the matter in his own paws and hired a mercenary to escort him there and payed the Mercenary Group to lie to the Scolar Guild Expedition that he was killed by a wild beast. This way, he traveled in the company of a kirin to the Great Southern Library, where he spent a couple years documenting the sea.
One night, as he was sightseeing when he saw a female hippogriff with waterfall-like hair flying on top of a huge wave, diving in and out again as the wave rolled to shore. She would use her magic necklace to turn into a Seapony and back into a hippogriff, sending splashes of water into the sky, making bubbles and water flow around her as she flew up and danced in the water, sending the fish from the sea flying in some of the bubbles. The female hippogriff dove down into the water and started doing tricks in the water, later on going and swimming up a waterfall and diving back down into the sea. Kai was amazed by what he saw, seeing the hippogriff dive in the water...
Years later, Kai was getting old, and when she met another kirin that was going to depart for the Kirinaria Mercenary Group he asked them to take him with. From the Everfree Forest, he payed another mercenary to escort him to the North of the Crystal Empire, from where he walked to the Frozen Empire. Few grifix remembered him when he arrived, but he had no interest in his old job. He didn’t even stop to greet his old co-workers, for he thought it was best for them to believe he was dead. He headed for the Entertainment District where he bought a House and gathered a few entertainers. He founded the Watatsumi House this way, then left, nobody knows to where, never to be seen again. Perhaps he still heard the calling of the ocean, and wanted to see it one last time before his end…
Nobody remembers this story nowdays, having been burried by time. All that's left are legends of the goddess Watatsumi.

Goddess: Watatsumi

She is an elegant grifix with a long mane which resembles a waterfall as she wears golden decals all over her as well as pearls and wears a flowy silky gown. She has finn fluffs, and the legends speaks of her being able to change her back legs for a fish tail. Nobody really knows where her legend came from and she’s a relatively new deity, so the general conception is that she was made up by the founder of the guild. Her magic is said to watch over the guild. In the end… there are a lot of mysteries surrounding this guild, like the water wall standing up on its own, so maybe there is some truth behind this legend. 
But a grifix being able to turn half fish? Really? That seems like total baloney if you ask me!
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