Watasumi House

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

the watasumi house


The entertainers wear clothes which resemble long fish fins and tails, usually made of silk.


The entertainer’s sphirix must be sea animal related or animals that live in water.

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, CrystalIzzy77

✦THE house mother✦

She decides on the schedule, which stories and dances will be performed and by who. She is the one who raises entertainers from a young age and decides wether she allows or no outside entertainers to join. It is very hard to get into this guild if you haven’t been raised in it.

✦lead dancer✦

She is the most experienced dancer in the House.


The grifix in this house often have looks that remind one of the exotic pictures in the ancient books from before the Great Cataclysm… One has never seen the sea, yet images of it will flood their mind when witnessing the dance of the entertainers, their sea creatures features, having fish tails or fins, the colors of sand and water, or even manes like tentacles or jellyfish like manes. Their clothes also contribute to this impression, the entertainers wearing silk outfits that can withstand the water, and resemble fish fins or corals. 
The entertainers can hold their breath underwater for a long period of time, being trained since a young age to do so. 
They usually start off as synchronized dancers, dancing together with other entertainers, but if their performance is outstanding they can be allowed to dance alone. Still, most of them alternate between synchronized dancing and solo performing, depending on the requirements of the performance, and what the House Mother asks of them.
Some performances require flying out of the water and using the droplets to create special effects, reflect light, or even use their magic to control the water splashes. It takes great skill, so usually only the more experienced performers get these parts of the performance. Still, all of them are trained to have a basic knowledge of doing so.
Children raised in the guild aren't allowed in performances because they are not yet skilled enough, but they sometimes stay outside the tank and control fish puppets suspended into the tank. These are rarely used in performances that require grifix to jump out of the tank, because they can get tangled in them, and they're usually close to the surface for the same reason.
Faction Ranks


The House Mother: She decides on the schedule, which stories and dances will be performed and by who.
Lead Dancer: She is the most experienced dancer in the House.

Member Ranks

Performers: The water dance performers (0 Standing)

Members: 2 ・ See All

Associated Locations
Associated Faction