
<a href=" Queen Crown" class="display-item">Solstice Queen Crown</a>

Solstice Queen Crown

Category: Event items

Artist: kazoowary

During the Winter Solstice Holiday, a "queen" is chosen in the Everfree Village to receive a prophecy about the next year from the Stars. This crown is that which represents their special status during that day. It is made of bone, to honor the ancestors, and decorated with kalina berries, a symbol of love and happiness, but a path to the realm of the Stars as well.

"The Sun will shine above us all, once the winter comes to an end" she spoke.

One thought it was just about the arrival of spring, but the wise healer seemed concerned. 

Perhaps there was more to "winter" than just the cold season. It represented the struggles of us all. But the past years were the best the village could remember, for sure not something one would call "winter". So the prophecy was not about brighter days ahead. It was actually about a time full of struggles to come. But we mustn't loose our hope, for even so, a new spring will arrive.

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