
Branches Flora

Branches Flora (Common)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Vines Flora

Vines Flora (Common)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Herbs Flora

Herbs Flora (Common)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Flowers Flora

Flowers Flora (Rare)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Fungi/Mushrooms Flora

Fungi/Mushrooms Flora (Rare)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Alternate Types
Shelf Fungi Flora Shelf Fungi Flora (Epic)
Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Shelf Fungi Flora

Shelf Fungi Flora (Epic)

Parent Trait: Fungi/Mushrooms Flora (Rare)
Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Lichen Flora

Lichen Flora (Epic)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Moss Flora

Moss Flora (Epic)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)
Tree Flora

Tree Flora (Legendary)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)

This is a higher version of the BRANCHES FLORA trait. Grifix with Branches Flora can develop it later in life, and are rarely born with it. The tree looks the same throughout the year, it is NOT influences by seasons unless the trifix has the SEASONAL FLORA trait.

Everfree Vines Flora

Everfree Vines Flora (Legendary)

Species: Grifix (Trifix subtype)

Ramains of Cosmos's magic in the Everfree Forest can cause these vines to appear on trifix

Limb Horns

Limb Horns (Epic)

Species: Grifix (Divided Grifix subtype)
Back Horns

Back Horns (Rare)

Species: Grifix (Divided Grifix subtype)
360 results found.