



They are hooved mammals with a body built closer to deer than ponies.

They can use magic, each of them having a vertain magical talent, similar to super powers. They don't seem to be capable of freely using magic like ponies, not being able to levitate things. Their magic only gives them special abilities and nothing else. The abilities vary for each individual, and are related to nature.

They have two curved horns (one in front that's shorter than the other), but they don't seem to be related to the use of magic.

They have thin and slightly angular bodies, backswept ears, and thin tails with hair at the end. Their muzzle and legs and horns are usually a different color then their body. The area where their leg color changes has a stripe of another color they also have some markings on their chest, usually elongated like some sort of stripes.

Their tail is griffon like, with hair at the end. Their hair texture seems to vary, there being an abada with frill like hair.

They have cutie marks which represent their magical talent (EX: an abada that run very fast and create dust devils, has a dusty tornado cutie mark; an abada that can talk to plants has a cactus).

They don’t have visible hooves.






before the great cataclysm

Settlement: Zebrat, Casabronco, other settlements inside Farasi

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: They coexist with Zebras and Kelpies on the same land, similar to the three types of ponies that live in Equestria. They interact with ponies sometimes.

Clothing and accessories: None

After the great cataclysm

Settlement: The Great Eastern Library, other settlements inside Farasi.

Relationship with grifix: They take part in knowledge trading with grifix. All the knowledge stores in the Great Eastern Library is set to be eventually sent to the Great Northern Library in the Frozen Empire.

Relationship with other species: They are on good terms with kirin and changelings from the Kirinaria Mercenary Group and with Hippogriffs from the Great Southern Library. They are not on good terms with any creatures outside the Knowledge Treaty.

They coexist with Zebras and Kelpies in the same land and settlements.

Clothing and accessories: None

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