


They half feline half prey bird creatures.

The front half of their body is that of a bird, with a bird head, front legs and wings, while the back half of the body is that of a feline, with paws on the back legs and feline tail. 

Majority of them are a combination of lion and eagle, but they can be a mixture of other animals as well, such as leopard and owl. However, they can only be a mixture of a feline and a prey bird.

They all have names starting with G.


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before the great cataclysm

Settlement: Griffonstone

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: Hostile towards most species, often partaking in pony competitions and interacting with ponies.

Clothing and accessories: They have a pretty clear aesthetic with their clothing, but it's hard to define. Most, however, only wear hats, scarfs, accessories, or nothing.


After the great cataclysm

Settlement: Unknown. Can be found sometimes in the Crystal Empire.

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: Some of them interact with crystal ponies.

Clothing and accessories: Unrestricted

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