



Image doesn't include Zecora, only less known characters.

They are hooved mammals that look similar to ponies, but have slightly sharper features and are usually slightly taller.

Zebras have no magic, and their cutie marks are just symbols of their life, not destiny. 

Zebras can be quite colorful. What’s distinctive about them is their stripes which are usually darker then their base color but not always black. Their muzzle is almost all of the time colored in the same color as the stripes.
Their hair texture is distinctive, their hair usually stays up straight. Not always, but it’s safe to assume something like rainbow dash’s or fluttershy’s hairstyles wouldn’t occur on a Zebra. Their tail base is solid, spliting into hair further frrom the base.
They have visible hooves.
They all have a cutie mark that’s usually in the same colors as their stripes, but not always. The cutie marks have no apparent meaning, and aren't linked to magic, like in ponies. They are born with it.





before the great cataclysm

Settlement: Zebrat, Casabronco, other settlements inside Farasi

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: They coexist with Kelpies and Abadas on the same land, similar to the three types of ponies that live in Equestria. They interact with ponies sometimes.

Zebras have attended the Friendship School

Clothing and accessories: They often wear golden accessories, but not always.

After the great cataclysm

Settlement: The Great Eastern Library, other settlements inside Farasi.

Relationship with grifix: They take part in knowledge trading with grifix. All the knowledge stores in the Great Eastern Library is set to be eventually sent to the Great Northern Library in the Frozen Empire.

Relationship with other species: They are on good terms with kirin and changelings from the Kirinaria Mercenary Group and with Hippogriffs from the Great Southern Library. They are not on good terms with any creatures outside the Knowledge Treaty.

They coexist with Kelpies and Abada in the same land and settlements.

Clothing and accessories: They often wear golden accessories, but not always.

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