
Trifix (Grifix Subtype)


The trifix are a subspecies of grifix that evolved in the darkest, deepest part of the Everfree Forest.
After years of evolution and dark nature taking over, Trifix are a stronger version of Grifix. In addition to their powerful phyique, the magic of the forest combined with their sphirix magic makes their magic mush stronger as well.
Trifix evolved under the same magical influence as timberwolves, hence their resemblance to those. They are always covered in wood and other vegetal traits which gives them their unique appearance.
Like Grifix, Trifix eat meat and flora like berries and such. In need of food, trifix will also kill sentient creatures, such as deer, but that is a rare occurance since their Queen forbid such a thing.
Because of the very rough terrain and close quarters of the forest, Trifix have grown and evolved to be more agile than regular Grifix. 

Physical Features

Trifix Trait chart

These are features shared by ALL trifix, no exception

Physically, the trifix are a hybrid between regular grifix and timberwolves. They have mostly the same traits as regular grifix, but their bodies are covered by various vegetal elements:

✶ Wood covering their body

✶This wood can appear in chunks anywhere on their body. 

✶It can cover areas where fluffs grow, in which case the trifix won't have any fluffs growing there. If wood covers all the areas a trifix would have fluffs in, the trifix will have no fluffs, but that rarely happens. 

Trifix wood image 1Trifix wood image 2

✶ Hair vines

✶Those are vines growing from their mane. The leaf shape of the vines indicated the trifix's faction.

Trifix Hair Vines image

The vines are always GREEN. As the trifix grows old, they become orange/grown-ish as they wither.

Cubs do not have vines.

When a young Trifix turns 13, their vines grow in but before that at age 12 their asked what they want to do. Whatever they say, the forest hears it, and the vines will grow.

Trifix can change their faction. What they do is cut the vines and seek Oracle. She'll let them in a special room where they'll "talk" to the forest and express their wish. Soon, new vines will start to grow. It's not exactly common but it still happens every so often even though most Trifix are completely happy with their role that they initially chose.

Hunters are born as hunters and they can NOT change their role.

✶ Flora growing on top of the wood

✶This flora can be of many kinds, from various plants to fungi or lichen. They usually have at least one flora kind growing on them, but they can have many or none (none is very rare).


✶ Timberlight

✶Timberlight is the evolved version of the grifix Night Glow. Unlike Night Glow, Timberlight can be turned on and off on command by the trifix, regardless of the time of day.

✶Hunters use it to communicate whenever their out without saying a word to each other, other Trifix use it as light or to soothe.


✶ Timbermist

✶Their eyes get covered in a magic mist that can serve as an intimidation tactic, and also gives them heat vision.


✶ Fangs

✶All trifix have regular grifix fangs. You may NOT use teeth alteration on them.

Regular Fangs

✶Fenrir Hunters are an exception. They have saber fangs:

Fenrir Hunters Fangs


Trifix's sphirix can only take the shape of carnivorous animals. The rarities are based on the size:

✶ Common: Small - badger size and smaller
✶ Rare: Medium - bigger than badger and smaller or the same size as a lynx
✶ Epic: Large - bigger than badger and smaller or the same size as a gray wolf
✶ Legendary: Massive - bigger than a grey wolf

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