Oni Fangs (Epic)
Illustrated on a yawning grifix by kazoowary for better visualization:
Lizard Fangs (Epic)
Illustrated on a yawning grifix by kazoowary for better visualization:
Inner Skeleton (Legendary)
The skeleton of the sphirix is visible inside and glows through.
If the grifix has Sphirix Pattern Winter Coat, Sphirix Pattern Night Glow or Sphirix Pattern Timberlight that will usually reflect the skeleton of the grifix.
Normal Animals (Common)
Defined as any animal that currently exists on Earth.
Recently Extinct Animals (Uncommon)
Animals like the Dodo Bird, Tasmanian Tiger or the Aurochs.
Defined as anything that went extinct after the year 1500 AD.
Long Extinct Animals (Rare)
Animals like the mammoth or smilodon.
Defined as anything that appeared after the extinction of dinosaurs, but went extinct. Includes mainly the megafauna that went extinct around 10.000 years ago during the end of the last ice age.
Very Long Extinct Animals (Epic)
Everything that roamed once the Earth during the time of the dinosaurs or longer ago, but went extinct at some point.
Mythical Animals (Legendary)
Mythical Creatures like the Hydra, Kraken, Kitsune etc.
Does not include creatures with equine parts, any hoofed animals parts, or human parts.
Does not include any species which has been shown as being sentient in the MLP:FiM franchise.
Intelligent Creatures (God)
These are creatures like ponies, griffons, dragons, kirins, hippogriffs, deers, etc. Basically, every species which has been shown as being sentient in the MLP:FiM franchise. Includes any animal with hooves and any mythical creature that has parts from animals with hooves.
These can be used by co-owners and rightholders with permission from the owner.
Free Sphirix Shape (God)
Refers to an ADULT grifix having a free sphirix shape.
Unsettled sphirix shape (for cubs) (Common)
Refers to children that haven't gone through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony.