
Ancestral Mask Staff

This staff is an ancient artifact that's in the care of the Prophet. The purpose and origin of the masks is unknown, but there is a story surrounding it that's being passed around by the divided grifix:
One day, there was a divided grifix that had a terrible crisis that didn't stop for days. The grifix was in terrible pain, and had no control over his body or magic. His sphirix would continuously split and come together, even change shapes, showing the terrible effect the crisis had on his mind and soul. The other grifix couldn't do anything but stare in pity and dispair because they couldn't help their dear friend. Some proposed that the grifix would be killed and put out of his misery, but while most agreed, nobody could bring themselves to do it.
Suddenly, the Prophet walked out of the cave, for the first time is decades. He took a mask off of his staff and placed it on the face of the grifix. The grifix's crisis suddenly stopped, and his body relax, instantly faalling into a deep sleep, exhaused after all that time. The Prophet left, and that was the last time he came out of his cave.
When the grifix woke up, he was changed. He couldn't speak or communicate, and he nether seemed to understand when spoken to. Some thought it was the blame of the mask, so they took it off, but that sent the grifix back into the crisis, so they put it back. 
In the end, it is unknown wether it was the incredibly long crisis that took the grifix's speech and communication abilities away, or if it is an effect of the mask. But without the mask, the grifix couldn't live anymore, so they let it on. With the mask on, the grifix never had another crisin in his life. And when he passed away of old age, the other grifix took the mask back to the Prophet.
Rarity: ✦✦✦
MAG: +1
SPH: +2
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