



They are creatures with the front half of an eagle and the back half of a horse. They are taller than the average pony, with slender bodies.

Their head is that of a bird and their front legs have bird claws. Their back legs have visible hooves. They also have wings, but with a different shape than that of ponies, being larger, and with longer top feathers.

They have feather ears and feathers on the bottom back side of their legs.

Their hair seems to be made of feathers.


They have the ability to turn into seaponies using their pearl necklaces.


In their seapony shape their front half is that of a pony, while the back side is that of a fish. 

Their front legs have fins in the place of hooves.

Their ears and wings turn into fins, and their hair also becomes fin like.


Check on Discord, there are young female and adult bases for them.



before the great cataclysm

Settlement: Mount Aris

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: Friendly relationship with ponies, Klugetown and other species in the south of Equestria

Clothing and accessories: Pearl Necklaces that allow them to transform into seaponies

After the great cataclysm

Settlement: The Great Southern library on Mount Aris

Relationship with grifix: They take part in knowledge trading with grifix. All the knowledge stores in the Great Southern Library is set to be eventually sent to the Great Northern Library in the Frozen Empire.

Relationship with other species: They are on good terms with kirin and changelings from the Kirinaria Mercenary Group and with the Zebras, Abada, Kelpies and Oni from the Great Southern Library. They are not on good terms with any creatures outside the Knowledge Treaty.

Clothing and accessories: Pearl Necklaces that allow them to transform into seaponies

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